The Invitation Accepted

by Edward J. Herdrich


Walking through Walden, or the Hiawatha National, peace and beauty abound

No denying the joy and resplendent warmth of each sweet sound

But still sometimes it seems to me, we spend the time to go afar, to explore

to these places once so close, but for our need to pave and take more.

Though, especially in this place and time, apart from nature many say,

Welcoming nature, a true sense of community, brings us the right way.


Despite the stories to the contrary, for this idea, not much necessary

As compared to the work of the Joneses, perfect lawns, almost scary

Seeds or plants born to be here, welcomed by the flora and fauna, home

Water, sunlight, soil and room to grow, little more to know, beginning sown.


The simplest of invitations by another gesture was made, a place to feed

Sparrows, doves, finches and more, circling, calling singing, welcome deed

The metal sculpted leaves of the feeder, wire wrapping the holder, treasure of seed,

nuts and such treats, offered to any and all who might be of need,

and becoming like a small town onto itself, perhaps a reflection of a simpler creed

one part of a vision shared, people who cared and could see, share not greed.


From Chicago to Elgin, I have found this much to be true

To extend this simple invitation to nature asks not much of you

through the protests of those seeking uniformity, so in nature, also for humanity

we all reach our best potential, and should appreciate in others too, individuality,

this, the invitation that creates strong community.